Jakarta, 8th January 2021- Scientific Departement Student Executive Board Faculty of Public Health University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta for the periode 2020/2021 has carried out the activities of the first English club meeting with the material “Introductions and greetings” on Friday January 8, 2021 via the Google meeting application. The discussion material was delivered by the lecturer at the Faculty of Public Health, Mr.Mohammad Ainul Maruf SKM, MA and attended by participants total 32 people from the 2017 to 2020 FKM UMJ active students. The discussion this time aims to equip FKM UMJ students to be able to introduce themselves and greet them properly and correctly according to English Grammar.
The discussion started at 4 PM and lasted for 75 minutes. The material is delivered with active discussion between the speakers and participants so that it feels fun. The material presented also uses language that is easy to understand. There are many things that need to be corrected when greeting or introducing yourself using English languages such as sentence patterns and when to use these sentence patterns. At the end of the session, Mr. Ainul gave a way to make a personal resume or curriculum vitae using English properly and correctly.
After discussion, Mr. Ainul provided an opportunity for participants who wanted to ask questions regarding today’s material. There was a question posed by a participant named Fatyah from the class of 2018. The question asked was how a fresh graduates wrote their experiences which were still very few and Mr. Ainul answered that the written experience must be in accordance with the facts even though only a few facts of experience are written.
At the last session Fathyah and Anisa from the class of 2020 trying to introduce themselves in English. They were good enough at introducing themselves. We hope that in the future this English club activity can continue to develop and can make FKM UMJ graduates have good English skills so that they can be useful in their future work in community.